Kawasaki ZX10R 2011-2017 Standard Ratio Gearset
This kit includes 2nd to 6th input gears and 1st to 6th output gears. All gears must be built onto the standard Kawasaki input and output shafts and no shimming is required.
All engagement dogs are undercut to promote positive engagement.
A complete assembly set of washers, bushes and circlips are available at additional cost on request.
Superfinished in house as standard.
Kawasaki ZX10R 2011-2015 Close Ratio F Conversion
This close ratio conversion has been designed to be similar to the previous model ZX10 and has found to be favorable for endurance racing and the longer road race tracks.
The set comprises 2nd input, 3rd/4th input and 1st to 3rd output gears.
All engagement dogs are undercut to promote positive engagement and are optimized for racing use.
The output gears must be built onto the standard Kawasaki output shaft and a new set of washers, bushes and circlips are supplied, for both shafts.
Superfinished in house as standard.